Frequently Asked Questions about Web Design and SEO Answered by Dr. Brad Ictech. Call to get started 504-470-7811

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Questions and Answers

What is SEO? 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of increasing your website’s visibility in terms of visitors, leads and sales through search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.

To simply put, SEO helps you get more visitors from search engines like Google to your websites by using few strategies such as link building, on page SEO, keyword research etc. You can have the best website on the planet, but if no one sees it, it doesn’t do you or your business any good.

Why Should I Invest Money in SEO?

First things first: spending on SEO is not an expense, it’s an investment that gets you 10 fold or 100 fold return if done right. That’s why so many agencies and entrepreneurs are spending millions of dollars every month on SEO experts and agencies to bring more value from search engines to their products, services and websites.

Whether you’re writing a book and looking for better ways to promote it or running a small business to generate more better leads, you need the help of search engines. Here’s where SEO comes into handy.

You should hire an SEO agency or an expert to do these things for you.

  • Content marketing
  • Increasing your website search traffic
  • Tracking your keyword rankings
  • Frequent site audits etc

Here are some of the benefits of investing money on SEO.

  • Increased search traffic
  • Better brand recognition
  • Higher ROI
  • Helps you get more leads
  • Increases your website sales and so much more

What is an SEO Audit? 

An SEO Audit examines and measures a wide range of factors that impact the performance of your website, its rankings in the search engines, and its ability to attract and retain visitors. These areas include on-page SEO, off-page SEO and a number of technical SEO elements.

A professional SEO Audit provides a clear process for measuring and assessing your online visibility and performance. Plus it provides clear, actionable recommendations and next steps for improvements.

What is Keyword Research and How to Do it?

Keyword research is the process of finding and using the right keywords within your content (either in blog posts, sales pages or landing pages) to attract more visitors from search engines like Google.

People usually type in some keywords on Google to find what they are looking for (either to educate themselves about the products they want or simply to shop online). Here’s where keyword research plays a crucial role. If you’re using the right keywords, you can easily get a ton of sales and traffic to your site.

So how do you find better keywords to increase your search traffic and website sales?

There’s no short answer. In fact, we write an in-depth article on doing keyword research that you can refer to if you want to know more about it. You can tools like keywordtool.io for quick keyword research.

What is Meant by “Web Presence”?

The web presence of a business is the complete digital footprint of a business found on the Internet. While the website and the written, video and graphical content it contains is the cornerstone of a company’s web presence, there are quite a few other digital locations where a business might have a presence. These include, but not limited to:

  • Links to pages and content on the company’s website from other places on the Internet.
  • Social media properties such as a Facebook Page, Twitter, LinkedIn (business and personal), and a company blog.
  • Mentions of a business or website in social media – posts, links, tweets, +1’s, likes, etc.
  • Video content created and posted on video sharing sites such as YouTube.
  • Local business pages such as Google My Business
  • Listings in business directories like Bing, Yahoo, Yelp, Merchant Circle, YellowPages.com, Whitepages, CitySearch and others.
  • Email communications with customers and prospects.
  • Press Releases to news and media outlets.
  • Content a business has created and shared on other websites.

Why Does My Business Need a Growing Web Presence?

Building a growing web presence will your business help reach more new customers and prospects while increasing contact with existing customers. Your competitors are growing their web presence, so if you aren’t growing yours then you are falling behind.

People search the web for a business, product or service in different ways. Some people use familiar search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo). Some people will utilize social media such as Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. Other people may use business directory services like Yelp, CitySearch or FourSquare.

There are numerous additional ways Internet users find businesses and these methods continue to evolve at a rapid rate. The more places your business has a presence, the more likely your business will be found.

A growing web presence also helps develops trust and authority for customers and prospects. The more places people see you the bigger and more familiar you are in their minds. In addition, a broader web presence will also frequently enhance search engine rankings for many of the same reasons.

 I Have a Local Business, Why Do I Need a Web Presence?

This is a very valid question for small businesses. Especially if budget dollars are tight. One way to answer this question is to look at what your competitors are doing. In evaluating competitors be sure to look at both online and offline (brick and mortar or retail) competitors.

If the products or services your business provides can be ordered or delivered via the Internet then your online competitors may be as important or even more important than your local offline competitors.

This is a good example of where, if your potential customers are not finding you, they are finding your competitors. Therefore, a good place to begin in answering this question is to determine how your customers and prospects are currently finding your business.

If your business does not currently have a web presence then this could be an opportunity to reach many more potential customers and significantly expand your business. If your competitors have a web presence and you don’t, then you could be losing a lot of business to them now and in the future.

Why do Search Engine Rankings Change Frequently?

The Web is a dynamic place and the search engine results pages (SERPs) can change on a frequent basis. This can be frustrating to website owners as one day they may rank number 2 for an important keyword phrase and two days later they may rank number 5.

There are a number of factors that affect the rankings for a given web page and a given keyword on any given day. These can include:

  • New sites, web pages and content are discovered by the search engines on a daily basis and may jump ahead of existing pages in the rankings and search engine results.
  • Older sites, web pages and content can be taken offline (removed from the web), or decrease in relevancy due to content that is unchanged or seldom visited over a long period of time.
  • Older sites and web pages are upgraded or enhanced (SEO) to make their content more attractive to visitors and to the search engines.

The search engines can change how they evaluate websites, web pages, content and links, which can result in the rank of a given page for a given keyword falling or rising without any changes by the website owner.

While these changes can be disconcerting to a website owner or business, they should be taken in context. By having a broader web presence that is not solely dependent on the rank of a given keyword in the search engines results pages a business lessens its dependency on any single source of web traffic. Diversity is important.

Why are You so Expensive?

The process we use to build your website takes a certain amount of time and a lot of planning and research. Unlike other agencies, we DON’T use templates. We build your website from scratch, which means you get a unique design tailored around your business. Buying a website from us should not just simply be seen as a business expense as your website is a sales tool that should earn you money.

Why are You so Cheap?

Yep. We’ve also been asked that question too. We spend a lot of time researching, planning the user’s journey through your site and then finally with the design and build. We’re typically cheaper than larger agencies because…

  1. We work remotely which means you don’t pay for the water cooler or beanbag chairs
  2. We’re a small team who take on a limited amount of clients each year. You won’t be talking to account managers, you’ll talk directly to the owner, a.k.a Dr. Brad. This saves on staff costs.

How Long Does it Take to Build a Website?

It takes approximately 7-10 business days to build a website from start to finish, providing we have all the information from you. Generally speaking, the website will only take a long time if we are still waiting for text and images from yourself.

How Do we Communicate Throughout the Website Build?

Before we begin working together, we’ll usually have an initial chat on the phone or via Skype to discuss the project. Once we get started, most of the communication will take place over email.

This makes the process a lot easier as we’ll have all of the information saved and can come back to it later. Once we’ve finished the project, we ask you to review the website and review edits.

What Will You Need from Me?

It really depends on what type of website you want. We’ll be able to discuss this on our discovery call before we start working together. Depending on which package we agree on we could need…

  • Images of you and your team
  • Images of your workplace
  • Content for the website e.g. text, PDFs etc
  • Staff Profiles
  • Any Videos you would like adding to the website
  • Login details to your existing website
  • Company bio
  • Description of services
  • Social media profiles

Some of this might already be on the existing website, in which case it can be transferred over to the new site.

Do You Offer a Payment Schedule?

No, we bill monthly according to your plan.

What if I Don’t Want to Manage the Website at All. Can You Do it All for Me?


Can I Update the Website Myself Once it’s Been Built?


I Want to Have an Email Signup Form on My Website, How Can We Do This?

When we design your website, we’ll build in all the features you want, including an email sign-up form. As we design all our websites from scratch, we’ll make sure it fits in with your website style and branding.

What you will need is an email marketing platform such as Aweber, Mailchimp or Convert Kit. As you’re collecting customer’s private data it’s best to invest in a secure and reliable third party service, such as these. We can set this up for you, however, these services do charge as well. For example, Aweber charges approximately $20.00 per month.

I Don’t Want to Use WordPress, Can I Choose Something Else?

No. We only use WordPress to build websites. We have used other platforms in the past but not anymore. WordPress is a platform that’s easily accessible for our clients to update themselves, it’s search engine friendly and it’s easy to integrate with third party companies. I recently wrote an article on why we only use WordPress to build websites. Feel free to take a look to find out more.

I Already Have a Website, How Easy is it to Change it?

If you already have a website. That’s great. This means we can build your new website whilst your other website is still live. Once we are ready to go live and you are happy with the new site we can then swap the old site for the new one. It can take as little as 10 minutes for the new website to be visible. This means you’ll barely even notice a dip in your traffic numbers.

Will My Website Be Mobile Friendly?

Yes. Your website will be fully responsive and will look great on all devices. We don’t charge extra for this. It comes as standard.

How Long Will it Take to Get to the First Page of Google?

It depends. There’s no clear answer to this question as search engines change their requirements all the time. However, we have had clients get to the first page for their main keywords within 2 days of launching and we’ve had websites take 2–3 months for Google to show them on the first page.

However, there is no guarantee you will ever get to the first page of Google for your main keywords, some of your competitors might have huge marketing budgets or have been there for years. For more info about ranking on the first page of Google, read our blog post here.

Do I Actually Need a Website?

Not if you have more customers than you can handle and don’t want anymore. However, if you want to expand the business, get more enquiries, or become the go to person in your space then you should have a website and definately have a website with SEO.

Do I Need Hosting?

Yes. Hosting is like renting space on the internet. You’ll need to buy hosting otherwise people won’t be able to access your website.

Who Hosts the Website?

If we build your website, we will usually host it for you and you don’t need to do anything. We pay the hosting fee for the first year and we’ll send you an invoice once a year thereafter. Alternatively, you can host the website elsewhere and manage it yourself. It’s completely up to you.

Will You Buy the Domain For Me?

Of course. You’re buying a website from us. It’s the least we can do. As long as it’s available for purchase, we’ll buy it for you and pay for the first year. We’ll send you an annual invoice for the renewal along with the hosting fees

Who Will Own the Domain?

You will own the domain. We will register the domain in your name and address and it belongs to you. 

Do You do SEO For my Website When You Build it?

It depends which package you choose. SEO is usually an ongoing commitment and will require continuous work. However, we do offer a packages that will start you off on the right foot.

How Do I Know if the SEO is Working?

We track your rankings using our reliable software. We get updates everyday and we’ll be able to see what’s working and what isn’t. We’ll send you a monthly report so you can see your traffic numbers and rankings. Here are some of the recent rankings from our previous clients.

Will You Meet With me Face to Face?

Only the initial discovery meeting after you sign up. All other client meetings are done over Skype or via the phone. It’s rare that we NEED to meet people face to face. Technology allows us to do so much in a small space of time so we don’t believe face to face meetings are necessary.

We are always happy to meet you in person if you really need us. We’ll arrange a consultation appointment.

Why Should I Use Social Media?

Let’s face it: the world’s gone social. In fact, 30% of all time (and counting) spent online is allocated to social media. If you want to get in front of people, social media is the way to do it. Whether you’re interested in brand awareness, sponsored content, or a combination of both, we can help!

What Social Platforms Should I Use?

The short answer: it depends. While Facebook is a great starting point, we like to get to know each client on an individual basis. Because every brand is unique, deciding which platform(s) to spend time on relies on factors like where your audience is, what products and/or services your business provides and the goals you wish to achieve.

What’s the Difference between an Ad and a Post on Social?

A post is content you share on social media for your followers to see organically. An ad is a paid post to target an audience outside of your followers based on demographics and interests. Because most social media algorithms limit the number of followers who see your business’ content organically, we recommend promoting important or relevant posts to guarantee more people will see them. Another great indicator of a post that should be promoted is one that performs well organically. If it’s doing well on it’s own, putting money behind it will increase its reach.

Can You Help Me Determine Whether a Social Media Marketing Campaign Will Help?

Absolutely. Our team will be happy to consult with you to determine which social media strategies and platforms will best achieve results for your company.

What are Promoted or Boosted Social Posts and How Do You Do Them?

Ads are called different names on most social channels, but in the end they are fulfilling the same purpose. On each platform you can set up an advertisement directly from the post to increase engagement, or set up a more advanced ad through the social channel’s advertising platform.

Facebook & Instagram
A “boosted” post is the most basic advertising you can do on Facebook. They are created by allocating advertising budget to a post already on your business page. When you choose to “boost” an already existing post, more people will see it in their news feed. Boosted or promoted posts are typically used when the goal is to increase audience engagement such as post likes, shares and comments. If you’re looking for a more customized approach to advertising, Facebook Ads are the way to go.

Do I Really Need to Hire an Expert for Social Media if We Already Post our Blog Posts and Latest News?

Many make the mistake of thinking that social media is an easy as posting a few updates. It goes well beyond that and involves elements such as getting the right ratio of self-promotional content, including search friendly elements, leveraging different content types for maximum engagement, and being present and responding to customers and clients. Effective social media management involves a carefully crafted and well thought out plan.

What if I Haven’t Done Anything on Social Media and Don’t Even Have any Profiles Set up?

No problem, we can offer set-up assistance including content creation and getting the design elements you need.

If I Want More Likes and Followers, How can you help?

This is a very common request, to which we answer, these aren’t the only numbers that matter. At Overdrive Digital Marketing, we are about genuine, steady growth. We will never suggest you buy followers or likes or engage in other questionable tactics just to pump up numbers. Those numbers mean nothing if people aren’t actually interested in or engaged with your business. We focus on making connections and providing value; not boosting the number of likes and followers at any cost.

Do You Set up My Facebook, Instagram Page etc?

Social media is not a part of the web design process. However, we are always looking for ways to make your life easier. If you’d like us to do this for you, we can arrange a package that suits you.

What is Graphic Design and What Does it Include?

Graphic design is a design process that combines text and graphics in a way that is intended to communicate a specific message.

Where is Graphic Design Used?

You will find graphic design in company logos, printed materials like brochures, posters, signs, greeting cards, postcards, business cards, billboards and ads. Advances in technology have brought us the digital environment complete with websites, online ads, virtual brochures and presentations, and so very much more.

What Can a Graphic Designer Do That I Can’t Do?

A graphic designer does more than just put their creative skills to work. Though most graphic designers are intuitively creative already, they have generally spent time studying numerous design principles. It’s vital to understand how to use design elements to transmit the required messages and values as well as evoke a certain feeling in the viewer. As a visual communicator, they leverage these design elements and use concepts such as color, typography, space, balance, form and lines to create their visual message.

What Else Does a Graphic Designer Accomplish as Part of the Work They Produce for a Client?

Besides turning their client’s vision, brand image and value proposition into a graphic display, a designer will undertake many specialty tasks as part of a graphic design project. The specialty tasks include collaborating on the concept, and paying attention to what customers are clicking on, revising designs, and preparing asset files for client use.



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